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How to Reduce the Waiting Time for Spanish Nationality

How to reduce the spanish nationality processing time

To be able to shorten the delay at the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries [Dirección General de los Registros y el Notariado], the body responsible for analyzing and ruling on nationality applications, interested parties may resort to the Courts to file an appeal for administrative review if after a year from the filing of the request for Spanish nationality no reply has been received from the Ministry of Justice.  

How to Reduce the Waiting Time for Spanish Nationality

This is a unique opportunity that enables the speeding up of the administrative procedure for the obtaining of Spanish nationality and achieving a more expeditious response. With few exceptions, if the court approach is opted for, nationality can be obtained after a further 3 or 4 months.  

Requirements for the taking of legal action

To make use of this possibility, the following will be necessary:

  • The request for nationality must have been filed making use of the new procedure;
  • 1 year should have elapsed since the date of the application;
  • The nationality application should have been submitted without any defect of either substance or form.

Bearing in mind these requirements, we will only take on those cases for which on the basis of an exhaustive analysis of the file, we can foresee the possibility of success for the measure.

This court proceeding requires mandatory participation by a lawyer and a court representative.  

If you would like us to review your file to assess the possibility of speeding the obtaining of NIE Number Spain by filing for a judicial review, please contact us, without any obligation.

To study the case file we just need you to send us a copy of it, the receipt for the electronic filing and the documents that were included. 

Any Questions?

If you have any questions or want more information on our services free of any obligation, do get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help.

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